
This SITE shall be governed by the legal and constitutional rules of ITALY and BRAZIL, in view of its peculiarities and creation.

With reference to the image of clients in it, it is worth adding that all of them are with the total consent, knowledge and written authorization of each one, within the relevant Legislation.

In the case of the data of the Company STELLE CITTADINANZA ITALIANA referring to texts, photos, images, sayings, audios and other advertising are covered by the Copyright Law, therefore nothing can be copied.



– Legge no 675/96 – Italy – Image;

– Regolamento (UE) no 2016/679 e meglio noto con la sigla GDP;

– DAL 25/05/2018 ha sostituito la Legge no 675/96


– Law of Internet use (Federal Law n° 12.965 / 2004, article 21) and its subsequent modifications;

– Copyright Law n° 9.618/98 of 02/19/1998, and its subsequent modifications, main objective the protection of the expression of ideas;

– Federal Constitution of Brazil of 1998 in its art. 5, XXVIII, “a”, the right to image and its subsequent modifications;

– Law n° 12.737/2012 typifies Cyber Crimes in the Brazilian Penal Code, and its subsequent modifications.